Acupuncture, Natural Fertility Therapy, Womens Health, Acupressure, Pregnancy Massage, Chinese Massage, Swedish Relaxation Massage, Stress Management in Aylesbury and Risborough, Buckinghamshire
Acupuncture acts both as a treatment and a preventative medicine. The aim of your individual diagnosis and course of treatments is to get a picture of your whole health. I look for the root of any current problems as well as identifying any potential...
Hypnotherapy, EFT (MTT) Tapping, Natural Fertility Therapy in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire
So what can Rapid Transformational therapy (RTT) and Clinical Hypnotherapy treat? - Hypnotherapy is widely used for all those mental and emotional states which actually produce physical symptoms (psychosomatic disorders). - Simply, Hypnothe...
Counselling, Psychotherapy in Daventry, Northamptonshire and Rugby, Wawickshire (Telphone & Face-to-face sessions)
Are you aged between 13 and 75? Is it hard to talk about with friends and family? Do you need a safe place to talk to someone about how you feel, what has happened, or how you can change wha...
Counselling, Psychotherapy, Time Line Therapy, Stress Management via online sessions using Skype.
Maybe you feel life is getting on top of you, or maybe your mind is spinning with unresolved thoughts that repeat endlessly? Could you benefit from a place to take some time-out, to explore your thoughts and feelings and to get...
Havening Techniques, Hypnotherapy, EFT (MTT) Tapping in Marlow
Louise Baker UK Hypnotherapist of the year 2013 - I have been working as a hypnotherapist for over a decade now and want to help you achieve the change you want. Most of my clients fit into the follow programmes Right weight - Virt...
Counselling, Psychotherapy and Horse Sense Therapy in Reading
I feel passionate about the benefits of counselling and firmly believe that our emotional well being affects our physical well being. Yes, it can be scary, but the journey you embark on will often enhance and encourage you to care for yourself better...
EFT (MTT) Tapping, Reiki, Swedish Relaxation Massage in Brackley
My specialism is helping and supporting people suffering from ME, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. I also offer support for people suffering from stress, trauma and anxiety.
Hypnotherapy, Hypno-psychotherapy and Fertile Body Method in Oxford
I offer a holistic mind-body approach to health. Our minds and our bodies are in constant communication – each influences the other. By restoring mind-body balance you can resolve issues affecting your health and wellbeing. You can change unhelp...
Homeopathy, Neuro Emotional Technique, Morphogenic Field Technique, EFT in Mayfair London & Wendover Aylesbury
ABOUT JONATHAN My experience with holistic health began in 2006 and I have worked with clients in various capacities since then. I have amassed a wealth of knowledge since I began, which has allowed me to treat all of my clients as individual...
Counselling, Relationship Counselling, Bowen Therapy, EMDR in High Wycombe
I’m Genovieve, Experienced more than 9 years in Relationship/Trauma Counselling/Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapist with affordable fee’s and confidential environment. I operate from2 clinics covering Wycombe, Marlow, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire. ...
Hypnotherapy, Time Line Therapy, Stress Management in Daventry
In my Hypnotherapy practice, I use a combination of therapies including Past Life Regression, Current Life Regression, Body Memories, Body Therapy, Parts Therapy and Quantum Healing Hypnosis to bring about rapid and lasting change. I specialise i...
Psychotherapist, Professional Life Coach, Master Neuro linguist, EFT Practioner, Past Life Regressor and Clinical Hypnotherapist
Hypnotherapy, EFT (MTT) Tapping, Reiki in Maidenhead
Hello there, My name is Joanna Knight, and I am an author, therapist/speaker, and have worked in hypnotherapy for over 10 years now, with an intutiive approach to therapy, often used with a combination of great mind tools, and at no extra charge. ...